Talent Overseas

Hague Apostille Member Countries

Apostille Countries list

The following 113 countries are members of the Hague Apostille Convention and will require an Apostille from the Secretary of the State or the US Department of State in Washington, DC.

Albania Greece Oman
Andorra Grenada Panama
Antigua and Barbuda Honduras Paraguay
Argentina Hong Kong Peru
Armenia Hungary Poland
Australia Iceland Portugal
Austria India Romania
Azerbaijan Ireland Russia
Bahamas Israel Saint Kitts and Nevis
Bahrain Italy Saint Lucia
Barbados Japan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Belarus Kosovo Samoa
Belgium Kazakhstan San Marino
Belize Kyrgyzstan Sao Tome and Principe
Bosnia and Herzegovina Latvia Serbia
Botswana Lesotho Seychelles
Brazil Liberia Slovakia
Brunei Liechtenstein Slovenia
Bulgaria Lithuania South Africa
Burundi Luxembourg South Korea
Cape Verde Macau Spain
Chile Macedonia Suriname
Colombia Malawi Swaziland
Cook Islands Malta Sweden
Costa Rica Marshall Islands Switzerland
Croatia Mauritius Tajikistan
Cyprus Mexico Tonga
Czech Republic Moldova Trinidad and Tobago
Denmark Monaco Turkey
Dominica Mongolia Ukraine
Dominican Republic Montenegro United Kingdom
Ecuador Morocco United States
El Salvador Namibia Uruguay
Estonia Netherlands Uzbekistan
Fiji New Zealand Vanuatu
Finland Nicaragua Venezuela
France Niue
Georgia Norway

The following countries are not members of the Apostille Convention and any document requested by these countries will receive a certification. Please note that some of the countries listed below may require additional legalization by a Consulate or Embassy office.

Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma Myanmar, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Congo Republic, Congo Democratic, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar Burma, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Togo, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, UAE (United Arab Emirates), Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

More information can be found on the Hague Conference on Private International Law Apostille Section.

This list was last revised on August 2016.
Note: Guatemala will join the Hague Apostille convention on September 18, 2017